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University Library Services


Days when there are classes Off-campus users: From 9 AM to 8 PM
On-campus users: From 9 AM to 10 PM
? Days when there are no classes From 9 AM to 5 PM
2nd and 4th Saturdays From 9 AM to 5 PM
[For on-campus users] 1st, 3rd, 5th Saturdays From 11 AM to 5 PM


  • ? Sundays and national holidays
  • ? Gunma Prefecture Residents’ Day (October 28)
  • ? Year-end through New Year holidays
  • ? Others (when the library director deems necessary to close)

* Please check the library calendar for a detailed schedule.

Library users

  • ?Students of the University
  • ?Faculty of the University
  • People that live, work or attend school in Gunma Prefecture and are over 18 years old

* Off-campus users are not allowed to use the browsing room as it is reserved for students studying for entrance exams.

  • Others (people that have received permission from the library director)

How to use the library (students and faculty of the University)


There is no need to sign in.
Handbags and other personal belongings are allowed into the library.
Eating, smoking and using cell phones in the library are strictly prohibited.


Users are free to browse any items in the library building.
After use, please make sure you put everything back to its original position.


Library materials can be checked out as in the details specified in the following table.
Please bring the items you would like to check out along with your library card to the circulation desk.
Library cards are non-transferable. Please do not loan checked out items to others as it can cause potential problems.

Borrower Item Loan period Limit
Undergraduate students Books 2 weeks Up to 5 books
Magazines 1 day Up to 1 issue
Graduate students
Books 3 weeks Up to 10 books
Magazine 1 day Up to 1 issue


Please return library materials to the circulation desk. There is no need to present your library card.
If returning outside of library hours, use the book drop located in front of the library entrance.
Please make sure you return the checked out items by the due date.


Library materials can be copied within the limits of the Copyright Law.
If you have materials you would like to copy, fill out the Copy Application Form and have it reviewed by the circulation desk staff before making copies.
The copying costs are to be paid by the user.

Using audio-visual materials

Audio-visual materials are stored at the circulation.
Please fill out the “Request for Using the Audio-Visual Resource Room” and present it at the circulation desk along with your library card or student ID.
The items can be used only in the audio-visual section of the library.

Using study rooms

The 1st and 2nd study rooms are available for group studies and to play audio-visual materials in group settings.
The study rooms are available throughout the library hours.
Please ask the circulation desk for more details.

How to use the library (off-campus users)

Signing in

Please fill out the “Off-Campus User Sign-In Form” available at the circulation desk.
Handbags and other personal belongings are allowed into the library.
Eating, smoking and using cell phones in the library are strictly prohibited.
For those that wish to borrow library materials, please stop by at the circulation desk to apply for a library card.
You will be asked to present some form of identification (driver’s license, student ID, health insurance card, etc.)
Please notify the library if you have made changes to your address, etc. since applying for a library card so your information can be updated.


Users are free to browse any items in the library building.
After use, please make sure you put everything back to its original position.


Library materials can be checked out as in the details specified in the following table.
Please bring the items you would like to check out along with your library card to the circulation desk.
Library cards are non-transferable. Please do not loan checked out items to others as it can cause potential problems.

Borrower Item Loan period Limit
Off-campus users Books 2 weeks Up to 3 books
Magazines N/A  


Please return library items to the circulation desk. There is no need to present your library card.
If returning outside of library hours, use the book drop located in front of the library entrance.
Please make sure you return the checked out items by the due date.


Library materials can be copied within the limits of the Copyright Law.
If you have any materials you would like to copy, fill out the Copy Application Form and have it reviewed by the circulation desk staff before making copies.
The copying costs are to be paid by the user.
The copy machine accepts payment only by prepaid cards (copy cards) which are available for purchase.

Using audio-visual materials

Audio-visual materials are stored at the circulation.
Please fill out the “Request for Using the Audio-Visual Resource Room” and present it at the circulation desk along with your library card.
The items can be used only in the audio-visual section of the library.