Introduction of Students

Connecting knowledge together through experimentation and practical training
– Fourth year student in the School of Radiological Technology (female student)

During the experimentation and practical training that lasted from the second semester of my third year to the first semester of my fourth year, I learned a lot from the radiology technicians who actually work in hospital settings. For example, I was able to observe how they would slightly vary the way they handled them based on the person’s age and the symptoms of their illness, rather than going strictly by the books, even when they adopt a particular means of dealing with individual patients. What is more, by coming into contact with knowledge that I had encountered in individual classes that until then had been fragmentary, such as photographic techniques and radiation physics, in actual medical settings, I got a feel for a sense of connecting it all together as a single thread. There are difficult aspects when it comes to experimentation and training as well, but I now understand that these are necessary in order to have a better understanding of my classes.

A college that makes it easy to visualize the future
– Third year student in the School of Radiological Technology (male student)

In my high school days I aspired to be a physiotherapist; however, I advanced on to college with a feel for what a rare honor it would be to study at the only?school that trains radiology technicians throughout Japan. To be honest, in my first year despite attending classes I was unable to adequately formulate an image of radiological technicians, but as I reached my second and third years I came to feel that it was truly a deep and complex field. I don’t think that any of my college classes are easy. With the specialized courses in particular, unless you study on a regular basis, then the tests are hard. However, I feel that to the extent that the goal I am aiming for is clearly in focus, this has made it easy for me to visualize my vision for the future and has made it easy for me to raise my motivation to study. If you work hard, then I think you can keep up with all of your classes.